Nazare Big Waves 2025 - Forecast - How to Watch a Contest - New Record
Nazare Big Waves 2025 - Forecast - How to Watch a Contest

Nazare Big Waves 2025 - Forecast - How to Watch a Contest


When Is the Best Time

All about the Big Waves, the WSL and an exact forecast for this winter 2025 below.

BIG WAVE ALERT in March which is absolutely new to me. More below!

Sebastian Steudtner: NEW WORLD RECORD announced in April 2024 with a wave height of an incredible 28.57m/ 94 ft. More about the record and new technology used below.

A Brazilian surfer on a big wave in Nazare
There is luck and experience needed to surf the perfect big wave.

Nazare, Praia do Norte became famous for the biggest waves ever surfed at the Big Wave Awards Contest, with world records between 80-100 feet/ 24-30 meters. The "Big Wave" season starts in October and lasts until March.

The best time with the highest chance of watching these waves occurs between late October and February. The surf contest date is published just two days in advance.

A dramatic high wave direct behind a surfer at Nazare
The fascination and the tragedy behind such waves

Have you always wanted to watch those massive waves, the biggest waves in the world? I will show you how you can make it happen. There is no guarantee, but we succeeded during our wonderful winter vacation in Portugal. Escape the cold, enjoy the mild climate in Portugal and monitor the wave forecast.

Many people watching the Giant Wave Competition in January 2019
People watching the Giant Wave Competition from the lighthouse area

Nazare is a fishing town with 10,000 residents. It’s the most popular place in Europe to watch Big Waves. The first big surfing event and competition was held in 2016 and then twice in 2018. Surfers like Sebastian, who lived in Nazare, may be present in town, but you can usually watch them surfing only when big waves are forecasted. 

Nazare Big Waves Forecast

Nazare Update, March 07, 2025

  • The big wave season is actually over, but Saturday evening and Sunday morning, March 8-9, looks exceptional with waves reaching almost a height of 20 metres. 
    The season is over now and was exciting as always. However, there were no new records this winter. Check out this article again in October 2025. I will continuously provide updates throughout the winter and let you know if there is a chance to watch big waves and a surf contest.

    Do you wish to learn more about Nazare and why this location creates the highest waves in the world? Scroll down and get all details for this unique spot in Western Europe.

  • Winter Season 2024/2025

    The first big waves with a height of over 20 metres occurred at the end of January due to a strong storm and swell for a few days. It was dangerous and challenging to surf in such conditions, so few had the courage to go out. It will be several months before the exact height and the winner are announced. Also February 21 until 24 were excellent with several Big Wave Alerts.

    Maya Gabeira announced that she has finished her career. She surfed the biggest wave ever surfed by a woman.

  • New World Record announced in April 2024
    I predicted the right day when there could be monster waves and when Sebastian surfed a new world  record on February 24th, 2024. Sebastian Steudtner, has broken his own world record. However, with new technology used by his team of 30 people, a wave height of an incredible 28.57m/ 94 ft was measured on February 24th, 2024. His team used a specially developed drone technique to accompany him on this wave ride. The data was available after just one day. He and his team have been pursuing the goal of surfing higher waves with Mission Alpha for three years. A very special surfboard that can reach speeds of more than 100 km/h was also developed for him.
  • Winter Season 2023/2024
    Despite the heavy wind gusts and the rough sea, the conditions were probably record-breaking on Saturday, February 24th. Each of the surfers had a challenging and brave ride. However, it looks like Sebastian, Lucas "Chumbo," Gabriel Sampaio, or Kalani Lattanzi made a new record. Nevertheless, it will probably take months to analyse photos and videos before it is announced roughly how high the waves were and whether there is a new record.

    Monday, January 22nd, was the first Big Wave event this season, the "Tudor Nazare". Almost everybody was in Nazare: Sebastian, Nic, Scooby, Cotty, Rodrigo Koxa, Maya Gabeira, Justine Dupont and more. The event winners were Maya Gabeira and "Chumbo" Lucas Chianca, both from Brazil. Congrats!
    Nevertheless, it looks like there are no waves over 20 metres in height this winter season. The waves at the event were around 10-15 metres. Of course, that's quite a lot, but due to the topography of the underwater canyon, there can be waves up to 30 metres high.
  • Winter Season 2022/2023
    Accidents and wipeouts have happened yearly, but January 2023 had a gloomy start for the entire Big Wave surf community. Unfortunately, the first surfer died on January 5, Marcio Freire, from Brazil. RIP

    It wasn't a big wave, but it was strong, and he lost consciousness. The surfers left Nazare and went to San Diego, Cortes Bank, and Hawaii for the Eddie.

    Update 19/01/2023: Sebastian Steudtner will start a new journey across the ocean, going on the "Mission Wave Alpha" to surf a wave twice the size of his record of 118ft. I wish him good luck! However, Nazare is a fantastic place in Europe to watch Big Waves.

How is the Wave Height Measured?

Surfer riding a massive wave and one on front of him is already crashing
It is as impressive as it looks in my pictures.

A new drone technique made it possible to measure the wave height within one day. This was used my Sebastian's team in February 2024.

This is the old way and is still used by the official organisation team. It’s hard to say who exactly surfed the biggest wave because it’s impossible to measure the height exactly. Pictures are used to determine the exact wave height. There can be a difference of up to 3 meters. However, one thing is for sure: the Nazare Canyon creates the highest and most spectacular “Freak Waves” due to its unique topography.

Where to Stay for a Perfect View?

The lighthouse in front of the monster waves.
You can't get closer than on the lighthouse to watch this unique contest.

There aren't any cliffs to watch the contest from a higher elevation, as some websites mentioned, only from the lighthouse and below the lighthouse. I visited this place personally several times. Another alternative, if it is crowded, is behind the north beach in the dunes to be on a higher elevation. A dirt road leads down to the beach and dunes but be careful during high tide and massive waves. If a contest takes place, a platform is built in front of the dunes.

A man with zoom camera is taking a picture of a big wave.
Patience is necessary until the surfers start the contest.

Nazare's Beach is separated by a massive rock formation where the lighthouse is situated. The most dramatic-looking pictures are taken from far away with a zoom camera, but you can't see anything without binoculars or a zoom camera on a tripod. If you see the lighthouse in front of the waves, it's taken from far above. To watch this spectacle, you need to be much closer. The waves are best seen from Praia do Norte, close to the cliff-top ford and lighthouse. 

Lots of visitors on top of the lighthouse.
It's busy when one of these rare contests takes part - entrance fee lighthouse 2€.

It’s a unique experience to see surfers among these massive waves. It’s one of the most difficult places to predict the conditions. The annual surf event with the best surfers from around the world takes place between mid-October to late February. If “Giant Waves” are predicted, and the surfers arrive at Praia do Norte, it’s an exciting spectacle to watch the surfers getting towed with the jet ski into the next monster wave.

High-speed jet skies are essential.

The surf contest's exact date is published two days in advance. Monitor the wave forecast here: Big Waves Surf Forecast - scroll down and look for the wave height in feet. Because of the deep underwater canyon, the wave height is usually amplified three times bigger, so a forecasted 5 m high wave can be 15 m due to the canyon. So it starts to be engaging with 5 m = 16 feet and exciting with at least 8 m = 26 feet and can become thrilling. This is something you never know days in advance. So an 8 m high wave can grow to 25 m with a little luck.

A monster wave behind a surfer in Nazare.
Watching these monster waves is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The tuned jet skis have 300 hp for this sport, "Tow Surfing". These waves are so powerful and fast that paddling is impossible. To determine how to increase the chance of catching a day where surfers ride those massive waves, continue reading for details.

Nazare - Paria do Norte - Beach
Praia do Norte on a sunny day in winter.

The southern part is a calm beach, though the deep canyon in the Atlantic impacts the north. 

Nazare south beach on a sunny day.
Nazare south beach is packed with tourists and locals in the summer, but this was last winter.

You can swim in the summer at the south beach, but the beach is packed with tourists. The north beach has high winter waves that the surfers must be towed in by jet ski. It’s incredibly tough when bodyboarders encounter giant waves without any support.

Who Surfed the Biggest Wave Ever?

Sebastian Steudtner Info board at the exhibition in the lighthouse
Sebastian Steudtner finally got the award he deserved.
  • Finally, since June 2022, it is officially the biggest Wave ever surfed by Sebastian Steudtner, 86 ft - 26,21 m high on October 29, 2020. Congrats on the New Guinness Record - Sebastian finally got the title he deserved for this Monster Wave. Sebastian moved from Hawaii to Nazare in 2012. I think he knows the waves of Nazare best.
  • For 2022 "Chumbo" Lucas Chianca from Brazil and Nic von Rupp, born in Lisbon, captured titles.
  • In 2018 it was said that Rodrigo Koxa got the world record with 80 feet/ 24.38 meters high wave, but the ride of Sebastian Steudtner went viral with a hundred million clicks on social media.
  • Maya Gabeira from Brazil surfed the highest wave in the female contest of 73.5 ft - 22,4 m

Garrett Mc Namara Put Nazare on the Map

Garrett McNamara made Nazare popular when he surfed 78 feet / 23.78 meters high wave. The mayor of Nazare sent e-mails with pictures and videos to several famous Big Wave Surfers in 2009. Garrett was the one who came to Nazare and made it famous. The first surf competition took place in 2016, and it continues.

Info board about Garrett Mc Namara
The exhibition in the lighthouse.

Big Wave Award Winner 29. October 2020 - New Record Holder Since June 2022

This surf contest in Nazare took part on the 29. October 2020. The winner of the Big Wave Award surfed a new world record, and he is my favourite surfer:

  • Sebastian Steudtner from Germany lived in Nazare. It is his third award already. He also won in 2010 and 2015. The exact height was not clear for two years. Pictures and videos were analyzed for it. In an interview, Sebastian mentioned it might be a new world record. He never was that fast on his board. He is right; Congrats, Sebastian. The Big Wave Season 2021/22 took part without Sebastian. He had a serious accident.

When Do These Waves Occur? 

Surfer jumping on top of a monster wave in Nazare
This contest makes you stunned. 

The Big and Giant Waves appear between October and March but are most likely to happen from November to February. These waves are not predictable far in advance on short notice only with the current technology for forecasting conditions, and predictions are accurate for three days only. To experience the big waves, you must monitor the forecast. Either you are flexible, or you spend your vacation in Portugal as we did.

Massive Waves in Nazare
It is incredible to spot such massive waves.

We spent some time in Porto and north of Spain in Galicia to visit the popular Cathedral Beach. We monitored the waves forecast each day, and when we figured out there was a high chance for giant waves, we drove the entire way from Galicia to Nazare back. Such a big event does not often happen, so we took the chance. When we arrived in the Zulla Nazaré`s Surf Village (Highly recommended, as it's outside the crowded area! IMPORTANT: Book in advance!), popular among surfers within walking distance to Praia do Norte, we got told that several surfers from Brazil arrived the day before.

The Zulla Surf Village in Nazare

At that moment, we knew it was the right decision to come here. Another opportunity is to spend your vacation in Lisbon, Sintra and the surroundings and monitor the forecast. Visit one of the longest footbridges in the world, Arouca 516, which is less busy in the winter. Follow the link to figure out the estimated wave height and daytime: Big Waves Surf Forecast It’s just a 1.5-hour drive north of Lisbon. Even if all accommodations are fully booked, coming to Nazare from the Lisbon surroundings doesn't take long.

What Causes and Indicates These Huge Waves?

The exhibition explains the underwater canyon
Don't miss out on the exhibition in the lighthouse. 

The north, deep water canyon of Nazare reaches a depth of 5000 m and is 230 km long. This canyon generates and amplifies such waves up to 100 feet / 30 meters. Four key factors, in particular, indicate these enormous waves:

  1. The deep underwater canyon is shown in the picture above.
  2. Wave size > 3 meters or 10 feet
  3. Wave period > 13 seconds 
  4. North Atlantic storms during autumn and winter bring swells to the canyon 
  5. The incoming tide makes the conditions even better

The Hunt for the 100-Foot High Wave

Billabong, the Australian company for lifestyle and surfing, initiated the Odyssey Project already in 2001 to search for the 100-footer wave around the globe, but this was too early. Nazare wasn't on the map of any surfer. One thing is for sure the first surfer who rides a 100-Footer will be rewarded with unimaginable fame.

Are there Big Waves in Nazare in Summer?

Nazare beach on a beautiful sunny day
Always worth coming here

During summer, Nazare is a great place to walk for hours along the north beach, take a bath at the south beach, eat excellent seafood, and with a bit of luck on a windy day, watch surfers practising, but you won't see any big waves. The conditions are excellent in the winter only.

Some live here the entire year, like the new Big Wave record holder Sebastian Steudtner. However, Sebastian achieved everything in Nazare, and his journey continues on the "Misson Wave Alpha" twice the size of his recod.

The surfboard exhibition in Nazare
Check out the great exhibition in the lighthouse

The exhibition in the Nazare lighthouse is a fantastic place to learn how these waves built up and which famous surfers already came to Nazare. We spent almost two hours reading and having a closer look at the canyon details. 

My Tips Around Lisbon

Me at Ursa Beach
Praia da Ursa, my favourite beach

Portugal is my second home country because my family lives around Lisbon and Estoril. If you’ve never been to Portugal before, here are our recommendations on how to get the most out of your stay. First of all, travelling in Portugal is more convenient by car. Rental cars are much cheaper in the winter season.

Stay in the Lisbon area for the entire vacation to explore the fantastic country. Monitor the forecast for giant waves and, in the meantime, visit Praia da Ursa, Montserrat Palace, Cabo da RocaPraia da Adraga. and Torre de Belem, to mention just a view of the many outstanding locations nearby.

The other option is to stay in Lisbon city and book a guided tour where Nazare is included.



These are my recommended tours via GetYourGuide with an excellent cancellation policy. Thx for booking via my website! With your support, I am able to provide all the information first-hand. Tour prices are at no extra cost

Best Months to Visit


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Location and Tips

Lisbon, Nazare

Nazare is for sure the most thrilling location to watch the highest waves in the world. If you watch such a contest, you may bump into some of the most famous surfers, as I did. More below 😉

Dramatic Stories During the Contests

Accidents and wipeouts have happened each year for over ten years already. Unfortunately, the first surfer died on January 5, Marcio Freire from Brazil. RIP - it was a shock for the entire surf community. It wasn't such a big wave, but it was powerful, and he lost consciousness.

It’s a hellman's job to conquer the biggest waves at speeds up to 80 km/h, risking their lives, but this is what many surfers make alive. Severe injuries are part of surfing giant waves.

One surfer but three jet skies for safety reason
There are always several jet skies for safety reasons. 

January 10, 2022: Bigger waves were expected for Saturday, January 8 and almost 20 m/ 65 feet high waves were built up by the underwater canyon. All famous surfers like Scooby, who I met once, Cotty, Rodrigo Koxa, Nic Von Rupp, Maya, Chumbo and many more were there at Nazare waiting to catch on of the XXXL-Waves. It was crazy out there in the waves full of power, although there wasn't any wind, and again it was a day with wipeouts. Three wipeouts and one dangerous happened, but no one got seriously injured, thanks to God. It was another epic day, although not a day for new records.

A surf ride on a big wave
My breath was taken away during the contest.

December 9, 2021: High waves of 20 feet/ 6 m were expected for Wednesday, December 8. Due to the unique canyon, these waves could grow to those peaks of +15 m, but the strong wind may blow the waves down, and the wind did. But the sea was rough and wild,  and Alemao, one of the jet ski drivers, got whipped out. At the same time, Andrew Cotton "Cotty" was on the sled. He climbed from the sled to the driving seat and got washed away with the next massive wave into the "dead zone" the worst spot possible. Alemao could get to the beach while Cotty was trapped between the rocks until he escaped and got rescued. Again such a thriller with a happy end. I hope it will always end like that. 

There is a big team for safety reasons in the water.
There is a big team in the water in case of an emergency.

February 11, 2020: During the tow surfing challenge in Nazare, a severe accident happened to the Portuguese surfer Alex Botelho. After a wipeout, he got rescued with a jet ski, but the next massive wave let him and Hugo Vau fly off the jet ski. Crisscross waves occurred, crashed together, and pushed both high up into the air. He got rescued unconscious. Alex was without breathing for 10 minutes and survived without any brain damage. Luckily, he is fully recovered now.

The Dangerous zone in Nazare
The dangerous zone is right in front of the lighthouse.

November 9, 2017: The British big wave surfer Andrew Cotton had a horrific wipeout and broke his back. Luckily, he recovered completely. Needless to say, he’d been back to Nazare already.

Scooby wet after the surf event
Scooby; Pedro Vianna is wearing lots of protection. I met him at an event in Nazare.

It’s tough intensive training for surfers; they need to be mentally fit and have the right sponsor in place. Their safety equipment is their insurance to survive.

February 2017: The professional surfer Pedro Vianna called “Scooby” from Brazil, came to Nazare for the biggest predicted swell instead of celebrating the carnival in Rio. But the swell was not perfect due to onshore winds dangerous choppy whitewater was created. NatGeo called the large but hazardous waves “Big Ugly”. Scooby lost control and fell from the board in the dangerous zone.

A surfer picked up from the jet ski
It's dangerous for both of them.

He got picked up by his friend Lucas, but the jet ski capsized in the choppy water when the next monster wave built up. They were captured in the white sea waves. It was a dramatic rescue in the death zone close to the rocks in front of the lighthouse. It’s truly epic here in Nazare, and coming so close to the most experienced surfers during an event is just unforgettable.

Nazare Lighthouse and Museum

Lots of surf boards in the exhibition in the lighthouse.
The boards from the most famous surfers. The black one in the back is from Sebastian.

You pay one Euro entrance fee for a closer look into the Clifftop Ford and its Museum. The exhibition explains the topographic exception of the Nazare Canyon and how these monster waves get amplified. Many boards of the most famous big wave surfers can also be seen.

A surfer gets hit by a big wave.
These waves are unpredictable. Do you see the surfer struck by the wave?

You have a spectacular view from the top of the lighthouse to the north and south beaches. Well-made shirts of Nazare; Praia do Norte are sold at the entrance. We couldn't resist and bought one for a friend and us as well. It's a fantastic memory of this breathtaking place.

Packing Checklist for Nazare

People in winter clothes on the lighthouse watching big waves.
A warm jacket and a beanie are essential.

You may spend hours waiting and watching the big wave surfers; you must be prepared. There is a strong and chilly wind. 

  • water and a snack, there isn't anything available
  • wind- and rainproof jacket, you may wait for hours
  • zoom camera, it is more in the distance than it looks in pictures
  • binocular
  • patience, you may wait for hours until they start surfing

My Restaurant Tip

Restaurant A Celeste in Nazare
Monkfish skewer - delicious and needed after hours in the cold.

Afterwards, we were starving and went to A Celeste for fresh seafood. We couldn't believe who also had lunch there; the three Brazilian surfers and their families. 

My husband Markus and I took all the pictures during the contest and a week before. If you wish to use any, please, contact me, but I will take action against picture theft!!

Why do I write this here? Hundreds of my pictures are used worldwide without any credit, nor did they get my permission. I don’t mind giving permission, but I want to get asked for it and to be mentioned. The World Wide Web has changed a lot, and rewriting honest travel content with AI is the new business for many fake travel websites. Do you wish to know more about this topic and how to unmask such websites quickly? Read my article “The Truth About Fake Travel Websites and Picture Theft.” 

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