Tide Times and Walk to the Cathedral Cove & Beach in Coromandel
A nice place to see, especially very early starting from 5:30 before the sun rises. Lesser people and better atmosphere.

Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland in Rotorua
Be sure to go there early or late. Around noon time the warmth adds to the sulfur smell of the hots springs which enforces the smell ;)

Walk to the Hidden New Chums Beach in Coromandel
I've seen quite some beaches on this world and this one left me speechless. Definitely in the top 5 most natural and beautiful beaches there are from my POV.
Tongariro Crossing Season Guide and Tips for the Alpine Crossing Hike
A fascinating natural habitat. Be sure to take the full 3 days 40km hike through the park. So much better than just the crossing. You'll likely meet nice people in the huts and experience great nights full of stars.